I'll make an analogy that you might be able to relate to: In many ways Jehovah's Witnesses operate exactly like street gangs!
- The contact starts by just hanging out with some members. All is cool. No pressure.
- During this initial period, you may be asked to run small errands, make some small changes in your life.
- After some time there's a big initiation that makes you a full member of the group.
- Once your in, you can't get out without being damaged somehow. The pressure to stay in is enormous.
- There's a dress code: tattoos and hoodies in a specific color, or suits, ties, skirts and a fake 'Kingdom smile'
- The leader is always right and cannot be contradicted. Do not doubt their decisions. Loyalty trumps all else.
- You're not allowed to be friends with people in other gangs/groups. Can't date a rival either.
- The group cultivates and us vs them mentality, whether that be our gang vs rivals or police, or our religion vs 'the world'.
- Fear is used as a motivator.
Well...if you have to choose, please join the JW. At least they aren't shooting people up or selling drugs.
But if you value your own freedom to make decisions, to live your life as you see fit, you might want to reconsider....